
ElevenLabs stands out in the realm of AI with its advanced voice synthesis technology. By integrating the ElevenLabs Block into Omnitool, users can effortlessly leverage its API, such as Text-to-Speech.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

  • ElevenLabs Account: Sign up or log in at ElevenLabs.

  • API Key: Generate your API key from your ElevenLabs profile.

  • Characters: Ensure you have enough characters available for use in Subscription > Characters Used.


Adding API Key

  1. Go to the API Key Manager in the left panel of Omnitool.

  2. Enter your ElevenLabs API key.

Using the ElevenLabs Block

  1. Navigate to the "Add Block" collection in Omnitool.

  2. Search for the elevenlabs namespace to find its TTS block.

Additional Resources

For developers and users seeking more advanced configurations and troubleshooting resources for these blocks, refer to the OpenAPI and block specifications on the https://github.com/omnitool-ai/omni-core-blocks/tree/main/server/apis/elevenlabs.

For further information on the ElevenLabs API, visit the ElevenLabs website.

Last updated