
Replicate is a platform that enables users to effortlessly host and run AI models on the cloud. With the Replicate Extension for Omnitool, you can conveniently access and use a wide range of AI models available on with just a single click.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:


Installing the Replicate Extension

  1. Navigate to Extensions Manager

  2. Select and install the Replicate Extension.

Adding API Key

  1. Navigate to API Key Manager in the left panel.

  2. Add your Replicate API token.

Using Replicate Blocks

Adding Replicate Model

  1. Go to the Extension Manager.

  2. Open the Replicate Extension.

  3. Import models:

    • Preset Models: Choose from a list of preset models provided in the portal.

    • Custom Models: Manually key in the model name, which can be found at, to add a specific model.

Using Replicate Blocks

  • Find in Block Collection: Once model added, the Replicate model's block will appear in the "Add Block" collection.

  • Direct Add: Or, right after importing the model, a button will appear in the Chat interface. Click on this button to directly add the Replicate block to your canvas.

Additional Resources

For developers and users seeking more advanced configurations and troubleshooting resources for these blocks, refer to the OpenAPI and block specifications on the

For more detailed information, visit the official Replicate documentation.

Last updated